Truth Hurts, Toughen Up

Tough Love is an expression used when someone treats another person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run. The phrase was evidently coined by Bill Milliken when he wrote the book Tough Love in 1968 and has been used by numerous authors since then. (Wikipedia)

Some people respond well to positive reinforcement and loving affectionate compliments, while others grow in the face of tough love and harsh truths that lead to personal growth and greater emotional intelligence.

Depending on environmental experience, people will develop soft or tough skin to navigate the world and society. If no one told you, well here is the truth: the world is a beautiful place when it comes to nature and all the good things people are capable of, however it is cruel and there are many people suffering from distorted perceptions and deeply rooted evil intentions that they may not have learned to manage and control.

You can see it in parents who go to drastic measures to keep their children safe, away from predators and the harsh reality that things are not always beautiful happy and dandy. Of course, at a young age children need not know everything about life and the obstacles they will have to face on their own once they are prepared adults. However, it is best not to delay this process, attempting to keep them young and innocent, with over-bearing and over-protective measures. Those have a tendency to lead a child into rebellion or defiance through curiosity of experiences they were not allowed to explore.

Parenting is not the only place tough love can occur. In the work place it could be the apparent bossy manager that rarely compliments employees on their good work but is quick to criticize any mistake. Not that I recommend this type of management and leadership style (I firmly believe in positive reinforcement) but business is business and many things should not be taken personally.

'Tough Love' means the truth. Not necessarily that the person is telling you facts and stories that are 100% true, but more that they are being honest about what they think or how they feel, without sugar coating nor attempting to spare your feelings when speaking. Many people suffer from ineffective communication and have different ways of expressing vulnerability as well as their thoughts, making tough love rare and valuable.

I would rather have an honest enemy than a fake friend. The truth shall set you free, even if you don't like it at first. Give me honesty, I will respect you. Go on, tell me what you think and how you really feel...



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