#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso's #GIRLBOSS was not only inspiring but a great investment of my well earned $26. Her journey from a "broke, anarchist 'freegan' dead set on smashing the system to a millionaire businesswoman" was fascinating and introduced me to quite a few other amazing people including DUDEBOSSes. Read more for a collection of several quotes highlighting the key things I liked and learned throughout the book.

Chapter 1: So You Want to Be a #GIRLBOSS?

A #GIRLBOSS is someone who's in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it. She takes control and accepts responsibility. A #GIRLBOSS is a fighter - she knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them. Sometimes she breaks the rules, sometimes she follows them, but always on her own terms. She knows where she is going, but can't do it without having some fun along the way. She values honesty over perfection. She asks questions. She takes life seriously, but she doesn't take herself too seriously. She's going to take over the world, and change it in the process. She's a badass!

Within the 240 pages of this book, I found valuable lessons about life, business, and the type of people who I like. Sophia describes herself as "
incapable of hiding discomfort, dissatisfaction, or doubt, inescapably myself and often honest to a fault" (13). This hit home and I found myself reading about a potential future version of myself while I pursue my business and dreams.

By no means is this book a feminist manifesto, but an encouragement from the author to a girl, or guy, to be who she wants and do what she wants. She writes, "
I have never once in my life thought that being a girl was something that I had to overcome... I know generations of women fought for the rights I take for granted, and in other parts of the world, a book like this would never see the light of day. I believe the best way to honor the past and future of women's rights is by getting shit done" (14).

Chapter 3: Shitty Jobs Saved My Life
My high school years were like speed dating, but for jobs" (55). Sophia's numerous jobs made her an experienced young adult. She learned about the difference between good and bad work ethics and how those actions look from the boss's perspective. "What all these jobs taught me is that you have to be willing to tolerate some shit you don't like - at least for a while" (65). It is much easier to enjoy your amazing career when you have a few crappier ones to look back on and compare. Like everything in life, you have to work for what you want.

"I knew then that my utter misery and universal disinterest were not due to a chemical imbalance. This wasn't something that could just be medicated out of me - I just hated where I was" (71). It's unfortunate how education is regarded as a one-size-fits-all. As much as parents won't fall in love with the idea, we should acknowledge that school isn't for everyone. Take the opportunity to seek out what you are good at, and find a place where you can flourish.

Believe it or not, the first thing Sophia sold online was a stolen book. Obviously, after a few life lessons, she grew up and changed some of her beliefs and ideals. "I believed that capitalism was the source of all greed, inequality, and destruction in the world" (80). She openly discusses how she would steal often, and that is a part of her life she is not proud of. "In my mind at that time, I wasn't doing anything wrong because I was stealing from corporations and not from people. #GIRLBOSS, this is where I have to call bullshit on myself" (89).
It only took her getting caught once in order to change her ways. After moving on from this part of her life, Sophia started her own eBay store selling vintage clothing online. She played fair this time. "Rules surround all that we do, and no one, no matter how saintly she may seem follows ALL of them" (94).

Her online store grew faster than she could imagine. After she outgrew eBay, Nasty Gal was on it's way to bigger and better things. She stayed focused on her customers and improved daily creating more efficient ways to get them what they wanted and come up with more to replenish inventory. She cautions not waste time having too much fun. "Don't get caught up in hanging out and drinking or partying. Celebrate when there is something to celebrate" (97).

Chapter 5: Money Looks Better in the Bank Than on Your Feet
"There is not dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means" -Calving Coolidge
(101). Sophia writes about how to effectively manage finances and offers her tips for success in this area. She built her company from the ground up with no debt, which is unusual for start-ups, but as you can tell she is not the typical everyday average person. As her income increased, she reinvested on the business instead of splurging on herself or increasing her expenses.

"Money is a guarantee that we may have what want in the future. Though we need nothing at the moment it ensures the possibility of satisfying a new desire when it arises" -Aristotle
. By making smart decisions early on you can avoid paying for stupid ones later. Spend more time making money than time spent spending it, like a true #GIRLBOSS would do and money will be saved without much thinking. A great way to get into the habit of saving is to treat your savings account like every other bill that needs to be paid every month. In many ways, money spells freedom. It can keep you from feeling stuck in places or positions you hate just because you can't afford to go elsewhere.

An important and interesting concept that Sophia mentions in her book is the magic of things. "I don't buy luck. But I do buy magic... the everyday kind of magic that we make for ourselves"
(119). If you are not familiar with the Law of Attraction, then google it! (You will probably come across the book and film title The Secret). It's an old concept of how like attracts like, and it describe how we control our thoughts and our thoughts control our lives. Therefore, you should focus on visualizing what you want and don't spend time thinking about things that you don't want to have a place in your life. "Send the universe your good intentions so that it can send them right back" (120). This is the magic of things. believe in yourself, your ideas, take them and build upon them learning from every failure and progressing with every successful milestone. "Fortune favors the bold who get shit done" (121)
. Practice intention setting by following these four simple steps:

    1) take time to think about what you really want
    2) embed those wishes into your subconscious
    3) remind yourself of the bigger picture
    4) don't lose sight of what you really want

After every chapter in this book, there is a section where Sophia features other business women. One of my favorites is Norma Kamali, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. She states, "Learn to take care of yourself so that the man you marry is the man you choose to be with and not just the man who will take care of you"
. This quote is important because it fits all too with the modern woman. Ancient tradition help that women were not meant for work outside the kitchen, let alone the house. As we have grown more civilized, it is no longer the responsibility of the man to "take care of a woman" as that concept has evolved into it being her own choice. But that topic is moving away from the summary and review of #GIRLBOSS.

The last few chapters in this book discuss important topics such as hiring, firing, and staying employed. "A #GIRLBOSS know where she excels and where she could use some work"
(159). Keep in mind the age old quote that it is wise to speak less than you know and have more than you show. "Knowing when to speak up and when to shut up will get you very far..." (160). Your boss is not your friend, and if you are the boss, your employees aren't your friends. "Never say 'that's not my job!'" (163).  Great respect is earned when you are not afraid to roll up your sleeves and do even the shitty jobs. Always own up to your mistakes, no matter what position you are in, and apologize for them. Everyone should be given the opportunity to improve, but keep in mind that not all will take advantage of it. When it comes to firing, yes it is difficult, but the best practice is not to make it personal and keeping it short and concise. Sophia's advice, "From one-speed demon to another... slow your roll" (165)."It takes more than knowing how to put an outfit together to success in the fashion industry" (167).

Chapter 9: Taking Care of (your) Business
Sophia's rules for keeping a successful business are simple: Just do a good job. Keep your promises. Give your customers something to share
(182-183). Figure out the basics of running your business first, and if you don't know something google it! Also, don't be afraid to ask and seek advice from others. In dealing with investors, Sophia learned two things, "...people want to invest in a business that doesn't need money, and that your ability to execute has to be just as strong if not stronger, than your idea" (193).

"If you are dreaming big, #GIRLBOSS, don't be afraid if you have to start small" (208). One step at a time helps you focus on what's important now, which will help in planning further as you build upon your success. For e-commerce, thumbnail photos are prime real estate. "The DNA of a successful image and brand must be encrypted into its tiniest representation while gracefully telling the same story in its largest incarnation" (210).

"Your style is a representation of who you are..." (220). There is nothing wrong with caring about how you look and putting effort into what wear. "Clothing is ultimately the suit of armor in which we battle the world" (225). There is nothing more attractive than CONFIDENCE that you could put on your body. There is no need to fit into every trending fashion if you are comfortable and feel good about clothing. Don't be afraid to try different styles and work with the natural beautiful features your body has to offer.

"I think that part of the reason Nasty Gal has been so successful is because my goals were never financial ones"
(103). Sophia was passionate about her business and she was very connected with the customers focusing on what they want and consistency in what Nasty Gal stood for. It is meant to encourage girls to choose what fashion means to them. "The heartbeat of Nasty Gal doesn't exist in one style, trend, or article of clothing... The styles have changed but the attitude is the same" (224).

When it comes to business, the world will tell you it is difficult, but that doesn't mean impossible. Pay attention to the rules, listen to other successful people's advice and learn from past mistakes. "Breaking the rules just for fun is too easy - the real challenge lies in perfecting the art of knowing which rules to accept and which to rewrite" (238).


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