Mobile is the New Desktop

After reading countless articles on social media marketing and the current effects of their networks, I've come to the conclusion that whether or not this is a temporary fad, it is powerful. The companies that figure out how to really harness and monetize on all the data social media produces, will leave everyone else behind.

First off there is a not-so-obvious difference between the web and the internet. The World Wide Web is only one of hundreds of services used on the Internet. The Web (short for world wide web) is a global set of documents, images, and other resources logically interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Identifiers.

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite to link several billions devices worldwide.

With all the innovations and integration of technology into our daily lives, we have to operate from a new paradigm of internet marketing, not web marketing. In 2014, the use of the Internet on mobile devices (via app usage alone) exceeded the use on PCs. "The mobile phone has become a central command for our lives, the remote control to our individualized universes" (Peter Brooke).

Everyone who uses their social media network(s), probably enjoys sharing information and checking out things they like and are interested in. For companies that join in on the networks, they become part of the mix and do their best to appeal to the customers' interest as well as capture their attention. It is a good way to interact with the public, giving the company a humanized voice and an opportunity to stay connected to their customers.

Timing and content are vital for a company's social media network. Posting something when no one is paying attention might as well go unnoticed and invisible. There are numerous benefits to taking advantage of social media marketing. Finding the right time and place to post something increases traffic and creates a path back to the website or application.  "Social media is a place where brands act like people" (Jayson DeMers). It is an opportunity to interact with people and morph them into brand loyal customers. Not only does it decrease marketing costs, it provides improved customer insights. Posting and responding regularly is a good show of faith and creates a presence on multiple networks. It can make a brand more accessible for new customers, and help them familiarize and recognize the brand.

The news feed of any social media for a company should strive to be consistent and relatively clean. A personal comment or message for shared links goes a long way, as does a non-automatic 'thank you' for new followers and those to tag the brand. Promoting content is valuable, so don't hesitate to share quality content. Use current events to boost visibility and experiment with social share buttons to find out what works best. Good luck in social media marketing, and may the followers be in your favor!

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