New Year's Resolutions - Remember Those?

For those of you familiar with New England weather, February welcomed another thick layer of snow a few days after the Blizzard of 2015. All this snow is the perfect excuse to stay home and have a lazy day while the roads get cleared for safety. So why not take a look at the ambitious New Year's Resolutions we all had at the beginning of the year and see how many of them we've kept up with?

Some of the more popular resolutions are:
  • Lose weight - it WILL NOT be easy, but it will be WORTH IT
Losing weight cannot be seen as "easy thing" with a few quick fixes, it is a challenge that needs to be accepted and taking seriously. The amount of work and effort you put in is the what you get out of it. Believe it or not, diet is key in losing weight, not just working out. If you need to or simply want to lose weight, do your research, talk to your doctor and stay away from quick easy fixes. Your close friends, or even a coach, can help you get motivated and keep to your goals. 
  • Quit Smoking - find out what works for you
Research the options available and pick one. There are electronic cigarettes, the nicotine patch, even hypnosis. Each individual is different and only you know what is best for your body and how to kick off the addiction.
  • Learn Something New - there are plenty of free courses online
There are free courses online from accredited schools available to the public. You can take a class with actual students, get feedback from a instructor, and learn something new without paying the high prices of education. You won't earn actual school credits for the free online courses you take, but it could improve your knowledge base and marketability.
There are plenty of websites and blogs you can read about ways to saves and how to do it. There is no trick to this, it is simple. Set money aside, and DON'T TOUCH IT. The key part is not using the money you are saving up. Don't use it for anything, not even emergencies. Better yet put it in an inaccessible account. Check out Tarra Jackson's website with great tips and a great savings challenge.
  • Exercise & Get Fit - another challenge well worth the work and effort
Getting fit is another challenge like losing weight. The good part is that when you work to get and stay fit, you get closer to your target weight. Once again, I urge you to stay away from all easy fixes. They best way to get fit is to consult a specialist, get access to a gym or working equipment, and do the work! You have to know what is healthy so you don't over-train or have your efforts not yield desirable results. Set realistic fitness goals and set time to work towards them.
The best way to manage your debt is to start by taking a moment to access your income and your expenses. Make sure the debt is accurate and write down the contact information for each account you need to pay off. If you can't afford a debt consultant or finance advisor, try for free to help you set up budgets and reminders for upcoming bills.

Read post titled How to Keep Your 2015 Resolution to learn how choosing a theme instead of making a long list of things to do might be easier. I chose REGALITY, to remind me to handle all situations with the leadership skills of a Queen. Instead of planning for the year, try planning for each month and setting short term-goals to achieve. My example is to read at least one book every month. January was #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso, read my review of the book.

If a list of resolutions or a theme for the year doesn't work for you, try a different strategy. Reflect back on the past year and look forward to the next. Use that time to examine the reasons behind not achieving your previous goals from last year (Peter Gasca). This strategy requires one to admit first that they have faults that need changing and true reflection oneself. Below is Peter's list of 6 Purges Every Entrepreneur Should Make This New Year

1) Excuses - look beyond them and find resources to fulfill your dreams

2) Smartphone usage - put the device down once in a while and focus on tasks meant to achieve your goals

3) Frustration - find outlets for your stress and focus your energy on staying positive

4) Blame - take responsibility for your actions and turn your attention to what is really needed: finding solutions

5) Shortcuts - eliminate the inclination to take shortcuts and understand that focus, hard work, and dedication are the only things that lead to success

6) Clutter - stay away from hoarding habits and eliminate anything not read, worn or used since 2013

If January hasn't been a great success, maybe February is your month to start! Read Why You Should Start Your New Year's Resolution in February by Mike Vardy for his strategy and how to focus on February and keep to your 2015 goals.


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