Dear Paula Nacari

Paula Nacari I noticed you commented on my blog post from October of 2015 titled HE USED TO LOVE CARAMEL but for some reason you deleted the comment... let's review it below:

You're making yourself look crazy by clearly without noticing stating you don't care, you're done; yet, you're over there stalking her pictures, taking notice of which she keeps which she takes down. Obviously, her tattoo got to you if you're talking about it after saying you already "let go". Your issue is, you havnt let go and as you took time to write this , you're still hoping he will come to you. If he wanted you, he would have never let you go. Note to self: stop hating and really let go. That's what happens when someone is truly unhappy, they talk badly of others hoping they're hurting that person specifically. But, the only person you're hurting is yourself while the other is not affected at all by your harsh use of language in regards to her description. She's doing well, actually they are doing well. best wishes to you and get over it please. 

Well Paula, clearly you are Camila's friend and only know one side of the story. Don't you know that every story has 3 sides? Mine, hers and the actual TRUTH. Regardless, you may think I am making myself "look crazy" by telling the truth and expressing my pain honestly because it is not a norm in our society to speak the truth about how we think and feel. When someone has the courage to do so, it looks crazy because no one else is willing to expose themselves and become that vulnerable. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, George Orwell. You see, the thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.

Stalking her pictures is an overstatement of me noticing her behavioral pattern. Correct me if I am wrong, but there are several members of her church that she opened her legs to that did not end up in a committed healthy relationship. Not for nothing, because I have no business judging her promiscuity, but sleeping around with your church members while acting like a good girl that loves Jesus Christ and follows in his teachings is a bit contradicting. Also, when she copied the same tattoo that I have on my arm (the queen crown) I was obviously freaked out. Wouldn't you feel some type of way if a mentally unstable promiscuous individual leaves a rehab facility and then begins to envy and covet your lifestyle and love life to the point were she copies your tattoo?

You claim I haven't let go, because I took the time to write about the true story of what happened to me. Check the dates my dear, I wrote this long before you read it and I stand by my thoughts and expression of my feelings. I'm not hating, I'm just telling you and other readers what I have been through. I wasn't happy when a promiscuous girl landed in bed with the boy I loved, simply for her entertainment. It is not my fault she is upset over me exposing the truth about her promiscuity and deceitful behavior. If she were following the teachings of Jesus Christ like she claims to admire, then she wouldn't be in this situation. If she weren't such a conniving person, she would not need to lie and manipulate people to get what she wants. At least I speak the truth, and yes it is harsh but honesty is the best policy.

Paula, whether or not I have hope that he will "come to me" doesn't matter because stating that I am "done and have let go" means that I refuse to take him back and let go of the emotional attachments I had for him. It's not your fault for misunderstanding the situation at hand, because it didn't happen to you and your version of the facts is incomplete. Regardless, they could have avoided this whole drama if they were mature enough to communicate effectively. A real man takes the time to end a relationship before he begins pursing another one. And a real woman of honor and integrity does not lay in bed with a man she just met. Stringing along a person who loves you while you peruse other options is not a kind thing to do, and it is unfortunate that I fell so deeply and desperately in love with someone that would do that to me. Even worse is knowing the reason he hurt me was because he was manipulated by Camila. I agree that it was his choice, but she is an excellent liar and can fake any emotion when it comes to getting what she wants. She even offered to share him with me, as if he was some toy she was playing with... I told her Queens don't share men and continued on my path to healing.

It states in John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. I write because it alleviates my pain and helps me understand that there is nothing wrong with loving a person too much. The problem isn't love, it's the disrespect for love and intimacy. I wanted all of this drama to go away and simply requested that Camila apologized for emotionally terrorizing me, lying, and disrespecting my relationship with him. I'm sure she was just trying to assert her dominance/power, therefore apologizing would be her actively recognizing that she does not have either over me, nor her self for that matter. Therefore, until she apologizes to me I will continue to speak the TRUTH about my story in hopes that it helps others not suffer like I did and that she does not try to deceive her way into another relationship. I hope this post helps any other victim of Camila and other girls like her that use sex as a weapon to learn how to respect themselves and other people's relationships. If I help one person dodge a bullet, or not feel so alone in emotional pain, then consider that mission accomplished.

I appreciate the best wishes however I would like to politely send them back to you because your fake love is not necessary here.


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