I didn't know what "catchy title" to put on this post. I guess I forgot that this is my public journal and not a blog lol. Usually, when I journal, the first thing I write is the date and time. I rarely add a title, but there has been so much going on in my life that I felt the need to add an appropriate title. Juicy June it is, so let's start unpacking...
At the end of last month, Bruce (that's a codename FYI) moved out. If you know me or my story then you know what that means, if not then buy my book Vanilla Nightmare and read all about it. In other news, I've been traveling a bit more since the mask restrictions have been lifted. I went to Las Vegas, NV and Brooklyn, NY; some quick day trips, you know RBE style. What's RBE? It stands for #RichBitchEnergy lol and yes it's my new fad. There's been plenty of interesting reactions to this RBE movement on my Instagram, but I like it and wanted to give a little more detail on what it means to me.
Rich means having money, as opposed to wealth which I define as having time. Bitch, stands for Being In Total Control of Herself, so picture a well balanced woman who has her emotions in check, knows her strengths and weaknesses, makes moves to improve herself and creates a happy comfortable environment for herself and those allowed in her space. And finally Energy is everything, but in this sense I think of it as a vibe, a mood, or even a mindset. It's a constant motion, creating more of itself; think of pure potentiality, abundance. When I say "come vibe with me in Rich Bitch Energy" I mean join this movement, in whatever way suits you best using words that inspire you and taking action towards what brings you joy. I love life and to live it fully I continuously pursue financial literacy, and invest in my future while giving my best to the present moment.

It's fascinating to think it's only been 2 weeks, and that means we are half way through the halfway month of 2021! In less than 6 months I will be 35yo, my daughter will be 2 and 2022 will arrive with more blessings upon blessings. In the meantime, in addition to all the personal growth goals, continuous healing, studying to become a CFP, being a good mom and working a full-time job, I am also interested in what is going on in the world and started reading and watching the news on a daily basis. I signed up for Brief, a subscription news service that fits the most important news stories into the little free moments you have each day. I mostly enjoy how every news report comes with a timeline so you can catch up with how the story developed. Also, yes I do pay for apps that I use and find value in, especially after enjoying the free trial.
Now, on the subject of FREE, more specifically Freedom, I've got quite a lot to say, so fasten your seatbelts, put your seat in the upright position and let's fly like a G6! FYI, the Gulfstream G650 is one of the most exclusive jets in the world. Also known as the G6, this long range jet travels at more than 92% the speed of sound, delivers an incredible range of 7,000 nautical miles, and offers a quieter, roomier cabin loaded with advanced technology and adaptability.
#1 The American Dream and the Land of the Free
Before doing any research, my definition of the American Dream is: the opportunity to dream and realize that dream; to see it become a reality; to be living that dream. It encompasses the safety the country provides along with the vast available resources that one can utilize to improve their quality of life. Thinking about the American Dream reminds me of the Pledge of Allegiance; specifically the last part: One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. This concept of one indivisible nation needs to be our reality. The medical segregation, the systematic racism and the corruption surround politics and high-profile people are the obstacles along the way. Learning how to manage and deal with these troubles of our nation will help provide the Liberty and Justice for ALL. I remember proudly repeating this pledge every day at my school. I listened to the sound of my voice as I said the words that have deep meaning for me: One Nation, God, Liberty and Justice. To this day these words resonate with me. I am proud to be an American citizen, born in Boston raised in Framingham. I don't dive too deeply into politics because I don't understand a lot of it, but I do hope that the people in power use their gifts for the greater good, while I do the same.
Wikipedia defines the American Dream as "the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved". Investopedia states, "The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which mobility upward is possible for everyone." These definitions are pretty much in line with my previous thoughts, but what is interesting is how the American people think and feel about said American Dream.
In a 2013 poll by YouGov, 41% of responders said it is impossible for most to achieve the American Dream, while 38% said it is still possible... Prior research suggested that the United shows roughly average levels of occupational upward mobility and shows lower rates of income mobility than comparable societies. (Wikipedia)
According to PsychologyToday.com, The Dream is just that, a product of our imagination, and a complex one at it. That is is not real, however, ultimately turns out to be the most significant finding about the American Dream. The fact that many of us assumed the Dream to be real makes it even more compelling. (Oct 7, 2016 The Psychology of the American Dream). Roughly half (51%) of US adults overall say that the American Dream is attainable for most people living in America. White Americans (56%) are 13 percentage points more likely that Black Americans (43%) to believe this to be true. (July 18, 2020, YouGov.com)
A more recent survey shows that 37% of 14,000+ Americans believe the American dream is less attainable than it used to be. Reasons being 1) the is more competition for businesses and 2) the often argued deep-rooted issues like race, gender and class discrepancies. (April 6, 2021 Is The American Dream Still Alive Today?)
As much as I believe in the American Dream, I don't think its equally attainable for everyone. At least the Systemic Racism that is prevalent and clearly demonstrates how White Privilege and oppression keep people of color from having theses equal opportunities has the #BlackLivesMatter movement starting healthy conversations about anti-racism that generate ideas on how to change things for the better. Justice is being called for the countless lives lost, recently and throughout history. On the other hand, we have a growing medical segregation with all the controversy and skepticism surround the vaccines for COVID-19.
#2 Vaccines and the Freedom of Choice
I know this a controversial and hot topic right now, but hear me out. My goal is to have access to the knowledge, information and documentation regarding the vaccines for COVID-19 as well as the coronavirus strand itself. I cannot deny that this pandemic has been a blessing in disguise for my family, but I do understand others have suffered tremendously. My thoughts and prayers are with those who were not as fortunate as I was, and please reach out to me if you are in my local area so we can find resources available to help. Now, let's go deeper into my opinion of this pandemic and the vaccine.
I cannot make it more clear than this: The following is my opinion. The goal is for my readers to open their minds and feel inspired to be healthy and happy, not to believe what I believe. I don't understand everything there is about this disease, the pandemic, nor the vaccine. However I do know that knowledge is power, and with all the information and misinformation available, it's hard to harness this power to be the best and healthiest you that you can be. What we can do is pay attention. Pay attention to the details of what is going on behind the scenes, around the world, within our community and more importantly to our individual bodies. Everyone is different, and yes I know we may hear or read this often, but I am not sure it is fully understood. Different is beautiful, for starters, but also biologically speaking we have different strengths and weaknesses. Only you know your body better than anyone else. A doctor is merely an educated guide to help you understand what your body is saying to you that it needs. Take some time to love, appreciate and respect your body. Pay attention to the food you consume and read the LABELS! Taking care of yourself is good for your health!
We may never know for sure how the virus got out, and it doesn't matter who is to blame at this point because the priority should be the health and safety of us humans on this beautiful planet. The virus may have leaked in Wuhan, China, but the country itself is not the culprit. There is no point in spreading #StopAsianHate when we can #SpreadAsianLove and appreciate the Asian community. There is such beauty in our different cultures around the world, that I cannot fathom hating on one specifically. To me it is a waste of time, a waste of energy and waste of moments we could have spent being and receiving love. Call me corny and unrealistic, but logically speaking compassion and love does not have the tendency to hurt nor separate people. Moreover, now that COVID-19 is here, can we stop for a second and recognize that this is a very effective virus with a low death rate (less than 1%). I remember studying viruses in my biology class in Framingham Highschool circa 2002. Viruses are microorganisms that cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. They invade cells and use their chemical machinery to stay alive and reproduce. They are not capable of surviving on their own, so they don't necessarily benefit from killing the host.
Vaccines are meant to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease(s), prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. Basically they teach your body how to fight the disease by acting like the disease would in the body. There is lots of research and studies done on coronaviruses, not just COVID-19 aka SARS-CoV-2. This stands for: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and it causes respiratory illnesses in humans. What a coincidence that I became more focused on controlling my breathing and using practices like yoga and meditation to improve my health during the pandemic. Instead of debating public figures' opinions, whether the government and CDC acted accordingly or not, what have you done to improve and maintain your health? Those are the questions that we should use to start conversations about the virus and how to get better in this aftermath.
I read an article that I found interesting that pointed to many resources available to the public. It is called 18 Reasons Why I Won't Be Taking the Vaccine. I'm not saying don't nor do take it, all I'm saying is this article is quite interesting with lots of links to information that the government has released to the public but doesn't necessarily talk about nor market it. Personally, I find it scary and sad that there is a segregation of the people with a lot of animosity between those that want to and those that don't want to take the vaccines. I also find it odd that people are being offered monetary incentives to take this vaccine, as well as the fact that it is not officially FDA approved, only approved for emergency mass release. These brave people that have taken the vaccine are part of the much needed first phase of the clinical trials to help the FDA officially approve these vaccines, and possibly even provide insight for treatment of those heavily affected by the virus. I thank them for their courage and I wish them long years of health and happiness. Now enough about this heavy topic. It's time to celebrate June 19th!
#3 Juneteenth and Real Freedom
What is Juneteenth? At it's heart, Juneteenth is a celebration of the African American journey to freedom in the United States. It commemorates June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers brought the news of freedom to enslaved Black people in Galveston, Texas - two months after the Confederacy had surrendered. That was also about 2.5 years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Southern states. The vast majority of states recognize Juneteenth as a holiday or have an official observance of the day, and most states hold celebrations. Juneteenth is a paid holiday for state employees in Texas, NY, Virginia and Washington. Thanks to President Joe Biden, it's the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr Day was created in 1963. (Brief - Just the news you need.)
On this day, it is important for corporations not to commercialize Juneteenth for profits. This is not about representation to them. Yes, representation matters, but what are they representing on Juneteenth? We cannot let this day become another excuse for Americans to get drunk and mimic a culture they know nothing about as they do Cinco de Mayo. We should be clear on what is acceptable and not acceptable. What is the social contract? How do we want people inside and outside our communities to celebrate Juneteenth? How will you celebrate Juneteenth? (inspiring words by Idalin Bobe.)
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!
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