Sho Nexposed

Yes! There are 3 main things that mean the world to the Narcissist, because if they don’t have at least 2 of these things going for them, in their eyes, they have nothing. The things Narcissists care about are very self-serving and superficial. But they are a true reflection of their Narcissistic Insecurity and the emptiness they have inside.

1. Image.

So, the first thing that means the world to the Narcissist is their image. The way they look, dress, etc. Image is everything to a Narcissist. Sociopaths, on the other hand, would have no issues rolling out of bed and walking to a corner shop all ruffled and unkept because they do not care how they look or how they are perceived. They make an effort only when it suits them.

But Narcissists, especially in their prime years, are obsessed with looking good and appearing to have it all. The Covert Narcissist, specifically, is very strategic with what they allow people to see about them. When they walk out of that door, they see it as a performance. Everything has to be in line with the image that they are trying to push.

Narcissists invest time, money, and energy to look good and get people to think quite highly of them. Everything they do is to improve their reputation and status. And the only people who get to see behind the disguise are those closest to them like their partners and children.

2. Narcissistic Supply.

The second thing that means the world to the Narcissist is their Narcissistic Supply, which usually comes as a result of that fake image that they have created. They need attention, compliments, and praise to feel good about themselves. They need to know that they are loved by the masses and held in high esteem. They also need that dark Narcissistic supply that they get from hurting and betraying those that they claim to love.

And in order to get this, they have to deceive people into getting into a relationship with them. The amount of effort the Narcissist puts into getting their Narcissistic Supply is enough proof to show how much it matters to them. With Narcissists, people are just a means to an end, and that is why they are not able to truly love or care for anyone. Because all they want from us is their Narcissistic Supply. It makes them feel powerful and in control.

3. Money & Power.

The third thing the Narcissist cares about is Money and Power. Money helps them to boost their fake image and purchase more and more stuff to distract from their miserable existence and try to make themselves happy. They refuse to accept that money cannot buy happiness. So, they are driven to be successful so that they can have more.

They have also realized that with more money, they can have control over more people. They can use their finances to keep certain people in their lives. And with money, as with everything else, the Narcissist cannot have enough and is never satisfied with what they have. With more money comes more power, and Narcissists take pleasure in controlling the lives of people and being feared.

Narcissists are weak, insecure, and highly dependent on the people around them to make them feel better about themselves or distract from their inner turmoil. So, they do care about their fake image as this is their green card to get access to more people. And more people mean more Narcissistic Supply. Narcissistic Supply is the Narcissist’s fuel for life. And finally, money and power are tools to help them gain even more control, maintain their image and provide further Narcissistic Supply.

Absolutely yes. Narcissists are evil in human disguise. Narcissists come into your life to destroy you; they take everything from you. Narcissists main motive is to see your downfall and destruction. Narcissists don't have empathy, sympathy, or remorse; they come into relationships just to feed on you. You give everything to narcissists; they take everything from you, and then they destroy you emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

Narcissists are evil; their sole purpose is to take everything from you. It's the mask, which doesn't allow people to see who they are.

The Demise of White Power in baby blue πŸ’Ž

SAG - I rebuke you in the name of Jesus! God will perform a miracle in your life and cure you from this affliction. In the name of the father, the holy spirit and God, Allah, the Universe Yahweh - I wish for your freedom from this evil, may your soul be free and cleansed to return back to Source and be purified into Goodness. That is my wish for you sweetheart πŸ’‹ 


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